Home Cooking Concepts are more and more to be found in the country as younger well-travelled chefs want to offer creativity in the food expression.

Table for Four, a concept designed by chef Aleksandra Atanasovska, offers fine dining experience, an inventive local cuisine & wine paring by yours truly.

Cooking with Branko gives you a small journey through typical Macedonian cuisine and good selection of wines. You can book Branko to plan & execute your event to perfection. https://www.facebook.com/cookingwithbranko

Eat with Kitya
And finally, proper Thai food in Skopje. Kitya, born & raised chef from Thailand, brought fresh breeze on the food scene by bringing the so-longed for spring rolls, dim sum, Larb Moo Tod,…They work with preorders & deliver to your home. https://www.facebook.com/eatwithkitiya